Kind of hard for me to review since almost
everything that can be said about this game has been said.
I like how you added a training mode. I didn't use it much, but it's something that isn't usually included in pong styled games. It was something I could appreciate.
I'm gonna agree with the other reviewers about the FourPlay mode, it was pretty cool. The main issue I had with it was that there wasn't a "Play against cpu" mode. It would've been cool to play with other people, but I didn't have other people here so a cpu version would've been great.
The single player was ok and I like how you tried a different approach with the AI, that was actually cool that the cpu would try more realistic things. An "extreme" mode where the cpu had a slight speed boost in addition to the "hard" mode cpu's AI would've been cool too.
Overall, a decent game, but you need to work harder. I read your responses to the other reviews and I understand why you didn't work harder on this, but I wish you would've had more motivation. You have alot of potential.
<Review Request Club>